Random info and thoughts
These are some things you may find useful or interesting, or possibly both.
- Other sources of LDS music (links)
- Behind the scenes on the arranging of “Nearer, Dear Savior to Thee”
- Appropriate LDS church music, or at least what I think about it
- Copyrights and the material on this site
- About me
This may interest you if you live here in Calgary:
- Calgary Institute of Religion Music Library
- Calgary North Stake Music Library
- a music lending form (PDF)
Finale and LilyPond
After using Finale exclusively for several years, I got brave and tried LilyPond. Here’s what I think so far.
- Chapter 1, Introduction
- Chapter 2, Rachmaninoff
- Chapter 3, Lyric Placement
- Chapter 4, Entering Music
All opinions herein are the opinions of Andrew, and may not reflect the official positions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Government of Canada, the Queen, the Oxford English Dictionary, or anyone else.